1st Latvia Ambassador 1day Students’ Competition 2019 is the first of its kind essay competition, open for all Indian students studying in any board of India from grade 7 to 12. Students are invited to participate in the competition and express their views about the topic related to Latvia, explore relevant websites to find relevant information about the theme/topic and execute the best essay.
The winners of essay competition will be invited for reception dinner at residence of ambassador/ at embassy and will be accommodated at embassy for a day to explore, understand and learn real diplomatic skills.
Essay Topic: “My first 3 tasks, I would like to perform as a Latvian Ambassador to strengthen Latvia- India relations”
Word Counts: 300-500 words
Eligibility: Class 7 to 12 students
- 7 winners will be accommodated at embassy for a day and perform the real task as diplomats, learn basic skills and duties of diplomats and learn about embassy’s work.
- 7 winners will be invited for reception dinner at embassy in Delhi
- 7 winners will be felicitated with Latvian souvenir kit + Trophy + Book “Rapid Vedic Mathematics
- Certificate of honour for all participating students.
Benefits for Students
- Great opportunity to be at embassy and learn real skills of diplomats.
- Certificate by embassy will add up in students’ academic & professional profile
- Opportunity to meet ambassador and other diplomats at embassy to understand embassy’s and diplomats’ work
- Opportunity to ameliorate knowledge, skill and understanding of geographical, political and general knowledge of the Latvia
- Opportunity to experience Latvian culture and to learn about global culture
- Opportunity to learn about diplomacy, international relations and foreign policy to ameliorate knowledge, understanding, skills & talent and for MUN like programs
- Access and understand about cross border topics
Competition is open: Midnight (IST) until 15th October 2019
Participate in four easy steps for Indian students abroad:
Step: 1 – Register HERE to generate Student Reference Number (SRN) – CLOSED
Step: 2 – Pay Participation fee using below pay buttons options
Step: 3 – Download ESSAY FORM in doc format, write SRN on it and your essay content
Step: 4 – Email your essay and participation fee receipt on essay@latvia.ptglobaledu.com
Terms and Conditions:
- Participants are advised to register well before the competition end date to avoid any last minute technical glitches.
- Kindly recheck your email ID twice before submitting your information as student reference number will be sent to your registered email ID. Please keep your student reference number handy and in safe place so on the day of result using reference number you can download your certificate.
- If not received your reference number in inbox, kindly check spam and junk folder, move email to your inbox and save email address in your address book for future updating.
- One email, one entry will be accepted, if sending multiple entries using different email will not be assessed.
- Only one entry per participant is allowed.
- Parents / Guardian may help only in generating SRN and paying online participation fee if needed but should not assist in writing essay. Integrity & Honesty is expected from all participants and parents/guardian.
- Form of Essay is to be downloaded from the link as “Essay Form”, or use plan A4 size paper or fullscape notebook page; write essay and only SRN on it, don’t write your name, school name on essay form.
- Entries must be written in English
- Both hand written or typed essay will be accepted
- Plagiarism is not accepted in the competition. If you are caught plagiarising you will be automatically disqualified from the competition
- Students have to send their own work and must avoid copy from someone else work.
- Decision of judges will be final and no review request will be entertained; only shortlisted candidates will be approached.
- All entries must be reached at embassy in stipulated time until 15th October 2019
- Results will be declared on 1st November 2019 on this website.
- Participating students and schools must check this website for results update and ONLY winning students/schools will be intimated though mail for further process.
- Certificates can be downloaded from 1st November 2019 and link will be available till 15th November 2019, so all participants are requested to download certificates in stipulated time.
- The participation fee is non-refundable and non transferable.
- Date of reception dinner will be intimated to winners and school principals/directors once result will be declared
- For latest information, terms & conditions of the competition etc, visit this website often to keep you updated.
For more information
- Contact your school/School Coordinator OR
- Email- essay@latvia.ptglobaledu.com